Welcome to Medical Imaging Erina.
Quality images and comprehensive reports.
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Over 16 years MRI Services

MRI BrainFor any of the following:

  • Unexplained seizures(s)

  • Unexplained chronic headache with suspected intracranial pathology

MRI Cervical SpineFor suspected:

  • Cervical radiculopathy. Symptoms: neck pain, numbness, weakness, tingling in the fingers or hands, herniated disc, nerve damage, nerve impingement, bony spurs, headaches

MRI Cervical SpineFor suspected:

  • Cervical spine trauma, any kind of neck injury

MRI KneeFollowing acute knee trauma with:

  • inability to extend the knee suggesting the possibility of acute meniscal tear

  • clinical findings suggesting acute anterior cruciate ligament tear

Under 16 Years MRI Services

MRI Head SinusFor any of the following:

  • Unexplained seizures

  • Unexplained headache where significant pathology is suspected.

  • Paranasal sinus pathology which has not responded to conservative treatment

MRI SpineFollowing radiographic examination for any or the following:

  • Significant trauma

  • Unexplained neck or back pain with associated neurological signs

  • Unexplained back pain where a significant pathology is suspected

MRI KneeFollowing radiographic examination for internal joint derangement
MRI HipFollowing radiographic examination for any of the following:

  • Suspected septic arthritis

  • Suspected slipped capital femoral epiphysis

  • Suspected Perthes disease

MRI ElbowFollowing radiographic examination where a significant fracture or avulsion injury is suspected that will change management
MRI WristFollowing radiographic examination where scaphoid fracture is suspected